Tag Archives: Mercy

Being ALL You Can Be

I was watching television the other day and heard the most prolific message coming from it, a message that resonates profoundly and makes one to look inward to reflect on the real reason why God has placed them to be here on earth. The message:

Be who you were born to be and not what you have become

To be able to experience this phenomenon of being who you were born to be, Faith plays a crucial role in the ability to be able reach your true destiny. Remember scripture Jeremiah 1:5..

Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, And before you were born I consecrated you; I have appointed you a prophet to the nations

Faith is essential when facing any type of storm without it you are left naked to wander aimlessly through life. We all during life face one type of storm or another, that is life. As with Faith, one has to remember that, “Serenity is not freedom from the storm but peace amid the storm.” As referenced in the above scripture about being “prophets to the nations,” it is our duty as Christians to spread the word of God and to make his Word known. To accomplish this we too, should strive for being like the Saints, who selfishly loved God with every fiber of their being. As my good friend and fellow Catholic pointed out, “They became the people God created them to be.”
Are you ready to accept this challenge and be the person God intended?
Seek a personal relationship with Jesus and it is through His Love, Mercy and Grace that he will lift us all up to be all that we were meant to be… God Bless


Filed under Faith